【問題】Vinyasa yoga?推薦回答

作者:Kries, Jennifer/ McNamara, Nan (NRT)

Internationally renowned mind-body-spirit innovator and fitness and wellness expert Jennifer Kries offers a groundbreaking synthesis of the greatest wisdom traditions of the East--from QiGong to yo...

作者:Kries, Jennifer/ Macnamara, Nan (NRT)

Internationally renowned mind-body-spirit innovator and fitness and wellness expert Jennifer Kries offers a groundbreaking synthesis of the greatest wisdom traditions of the East--from QiGong to yo...

作者:Kries, Jennifer/ Macnamara, Nan (NRT)

Internationally renowned mind-body-spirit innovator and fitness and wellness expert Jennifer Kries offers a groundbreaking synthesis of the greatest wisdom traditions of the East--from QiGong to yo...

作者:Cook, Denise/ Johnson, Sean/ Sormaz, Heidi

The three y's represent the mind, body and spirit. Each component of what the vinyasa practice will energize and strengthen in your life.

作者:Cook, Denise/ Johnson, Sean/ Sormaz, Heidi

The three y's represent the mind, body and spirit. Each component of what the vinyasa practice will energize and strengthen in your life.

作者:Johnson, Sean/ Sormaz, Heidi/ Cook, Denise

The three y's represent the mind, body and spirit. Each component of what the vinyasa practice will energize and strengthen in your life.

作者:Gordon, Dashama Konah

In this uplifting guide packed with health tips, dietary recommendations, and inspirational affirmations, Dashama introduces her own brand of yoga for self-transformation. The book introduces Prana...

作者:Baumann, Lara

Lara Baumann developed Quantum Yoga to help practitioners tap the ancient approach to achieving union with the divine through the harmony of body and mind. Drawing on both Western and Eastern medic...

作者:Bobowicz, Jillian

CRAFT YOUR OWN PRACTICE Use this unique deck of 100 cards to build transformative yoga sequences, complete with "vinyasa" transitions and variations for all skill levels. Lay out and rearrange thes...


所有女人都該擁有的窈窕聖典少女時代俞利、MBLAQ天動、Julien Kang、尹海英、金世雅指定御用瑜伽師明星身材養成,最有效的STAR瑜伽書   無論在家裡、在辦公室、在高爾夫球場  或是你想增進雙人感情、療癒身心  少女時代的御用瑜伽師Nadia為你打造完美生活  享受優質NEW LIFE 本書五大特色 ★少女時代御用瑜伽師:   作者為韓星少女時代俞利、MBLAQ天動、Julien ...

作者:Pegrum, Juliet

Bring health and harmony to your body, mind, and spirit by practicing Dynamic Yoga. Bring health and harmony to your body, mind, and spirit by practicing Dynamic Yoga.Dynamic yoga, also known as As...

作者:Levey, Sarah/ Levey, Mason/ Didonato, Emily (FRW)

Y7 Studios co-founders Sarah and Mason Levey bring their sweat-dripping, beat-bumping practice to readers with We Flow Hard, a fitness and lifestyle book from the original hip-hop yoga studio. Y7 e...


孕動.孕釀新生命 本書將孕婦瑜珈歸納整理出三大階段,針對不同妊娠階段身體各部位所出現的症狀,推薦適合緩解的動作,讓媽咪透過呼吸、放鬆及動作的練習達到強化脊椎、內臟機能、鍛鍊骨盆腔肌肉及透過伸展的動作保持身型線條,穩定情緒、調和心理和生理功能,進而去體會與寶寶的親密互動和內心所發出的愛,來面對身體快速的變化,藉此助縮短產程,順利生產。 更邀請到漂亮的孕媽咪,並藉由搭配各種瑜珈道...


  創新中保留經典.實用中維持傳統的瑜伽手冊!  一套融合傳統瑜伽、中醫經絡理論、佛教正念的瑜伽練習。   本書作者莎拉.鮑爾思早年因探索何謂有意義的生活而開始接觸瑜伽。在一次練習時,不慎嚴重傷到脊椎。復健的過程中,她開始學習長時間、深度伸展的陰瑜伽,同時廣泛閱讀中醫書籍,讓自己更沉靜且專注於內在的修習,此方法也使得她身體的復原之路順遂許多。之後,她從此經驗中,獨創了一門新興的瑜伽修習方式─...

作者:Menon, Shailaja

- Experience the transformative power of yoga to achieve self-realization - Yoga Shakti teaches you not just to practice yoga, but to live it in your everyday life - Learn to overcome negative life...

